Welcome to my internet home!

It's 2025, which means all my novels and short stories are out of print and awaiting re-publishing. You can read my short story, Underworld, in the anthology Thrillhers if you want a quick, spooky thriller to read right now.

I decided to start my re-publishing journey with a brand new, never-before-published mystery novel. More about that below. Stay tuned for publishing day sometime in March. The Anna Bowman Thrillers and all the rest will follow along as scheduled. Thanks for dropping by, and please bookmark this page so you'll remember to come back for updates.

If you're in more of a video-watching mood, you could head over to my YouTube channel and check out the silly baking videos I make in-character as Anna (with cameos by Jim and Luke!). Thanks for visiting!

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January 20, 2025

After 17 days of nonstop writing, I sent my first novel of the new year to my editor last Saturday morning. While I wait for her to work her magic, I'm working my own magic on a cover, synopsis, and title. For now, the novel is called The Lost Portrait, and this chaotic funtime of a cover might just be my final choice:

The Lost Portrait

The Lost Portrait: an art crime mystery

At just eight years old, Claire Riordan stood entranced as her great aunt, renowned artist Eva Riordan, unveiled her most cherished secret: a hidden masterpiece—a portrait of Eva herself, painted by the legendary Andrew Wyeth. Two days later, Eva tragically passed away, and the painting vanished without a trace.

Now 38, Claire has spent three decades chasing whispers and rumors of the elusive artwork, her obsession fueled by the empty frame hanging in her gallery—a silent reminder of her unfulfilled quest. As the 30th anniversary of Eva's death approaches, Claire’s hope is fading.

But when her work at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth entangles her with a rakish art thief, she makes a bold choice: to join forces with him and recover the painting at any cost—even if it means bending the law. Together, they navigate a treacherous world of ruthless collectors, fading Hollywood icons, and long-buried family secrets.

To claim the Wyeth and finally honor Eva’s legacy, Claire must outwit her rivals, confront the shadows of her past, and uncover the courage to seize the life she’s always yearned for.

August 14, 2024

It's been a big couple of months! I quit my day job, published a couple more books, and hopped back on social media after a five-month hiatus.

I was planning to publish Tiger by the Tail around Christmas, but I just couldn't wait. It's live now, and the next chapter, Sam vs the Black Hat, is available for pre-order.

two ebooks by AK Weller

If you're curious about my mild-mannered alter ego who runs a graphic design business, check out WestleyEnterprises.com.

June 7, 2024

Anna Bowman Thrillers Book 3, Bigger Fish, has hit the shelves! I'm proud of this one and excited to shift my focus to getting book 4 ready for publication next year.

or Grab your ebook or paperback and let me know what you think!

eBook showing a novel called Bigger Fish by AK Weller

April 28, 2024

Just launched: WalshInvestigations.com!

To celebrate the upcoming release of my first mystery novel, Sam vs. the Black Hat, I asked my cover designer to put together a website for our heroine, Sam Walsh. It's pretty simple right now, and I haven't decided exactly what I want to do with it. If you want to take a peek and suggest a few things you'd like to see, there's a contact form on the site you can use!

April 15, 2024

selfie of a woman standing in the sun in front of a thermometer

Here in Montana, the sun is shining, the snow is melting, and the mosquitos are awake and hungry. It must be spring! I spent the winter writing, editing, re-writing, editing, despairing, crying, regrouping, writing, and re-re-writing.

What have I got to show for it?

Two novels, one prequel, and one anthology are coming out between June and October this year!

an e-reader displaying Bigger Fish by AK Weller superimposed over a photo of a tornado in a corn field Anna Bowman Thrillers Book 3: Bigger Fish

The third installment in Anna’s story is coming June 2024. It’s in my editor’s hands now, and I wouldn’t trust anyone but Lisa McCoy Editing to help me get Bigger Fish ready for the real world. Squarely in the middle of the 5-book series, Bigger Fish is going to be chonky.

Why should you care?

If you read Friday the 14th and loved Anna’s sister, you’ll find a lot to love here, too. If you read 2.15.2020 and had some questions, you might find the answers in Bigger Fish. If you just want more Anna, more Dude, and more MORE, Bigger Fish delivers. You can go ahead and sneak a peek here, and sign up for my newsletter to get the news on publishing day.

an e-reader displaying A Last Time for Everything by AK Weller superimposed over a photo of a hand holding a sparkler in front of an American flag Anna Bowman Thrillers Prequel 3: A Last Time for Everything

A Last Time for Everything is available for pre-order on Amazon now. It’s coming July 4, 2024.

Okay, A Last Time for Everything has been available for pre-order for a while. Like the other ABT prequels, this one is only for true fans – you can skip it and enjoy the main novels without feeling like you’re missing something. I like to use these short stories/novellas to round out my main characters, giving insight into why they do what they do. The earliest prequel in the Anna Bowman Thrillers series, A Last Time for Everything is set in 2002 with all the attendant nostalgia and teenage angst.

an e-reader displaying Sam vs. the Black Hat by AK Weller superimposed over a photo of a car driving through a rainy forest Sam Walsh, PI Mystery #1: Sam vs the Black Hat

"Sue Grafton’s iconic Kinsey Millhone is catapulted into twenty-first century Texas suburbia in book one of the Sam Walsh, PI Mysteries series."

My darling NaNo novel has one more hoop to jump through to make it to publishing day: a novel review group. If you want to be an ARC Reader for my debut mystery novel, sign up here.

Coming September 1, 2024 from Plot Duckies Publishing, the independent, woman-owned publisher behind award-winning novels like Castoffs of the Gods and Meg and the Rocks.

2024 Women’s Thriller Writers Association Anthology: Weapons of Choice

The second annual Women’s Thriller Writers Association Anthology is in the works. This year’s theme will be “Weapons of Choice,” and you won’t believe what I’ve chosen as my weapon. Find out this fall - and stay tuned for more information about book signings in the Albuquerque area!

a book superimposed over an image of a woman standing on a beach watching the sun set Anna Bowman Thrillers Book 4: Cover and Title Reveal

Did you know a side-effect of the carnivore diet is increased blood flow to the brain, which triggers bursts of creativity, bizarre dreams, and hyper-focus?

Okay, I made that up. But I have been enjoying these “side effects,” the most surprising consequence of which is a cover and title for Book 4 in the Anna Bowman Thrillers series. (Choosing titles has been the hardest part of writing this series!) Inspiration hit me like a ton of bricks, and I’m so happy with the result I can hardly wait to share it. This August, I’ll reveal the cover, the title, and a brief description.

That's all for now!